Headquarters EUR

Centri Affiliati
  • La Maisonnette

    (Roma Eur)

  • The Nursery and the Kindergarten of La Maisonnette-Eur constitute the largest educational centre of La Maisonnette® circuit and the current headquarters of the franchising.

    La Maisonnette-Eur is owned by MOF 2007 S.r.l. International School for Kids, property of Daniela Gianesini and Roberto Guerra.

    La Maisonnette-Eur has participated for years in a project born from the collaboration between the City of Rome and the CNR (National Research Council – Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies – Human Development and Society Research Group) on the quality of educational services; being among the excellent structures that operate on the territory of the Roman District.

    The Nursery is private own and ACCREDITED by the Municipality of Rome.

    The Kindergarten is an EGALITARIAN School, it is recognized by the Ministry of Education.

    The structure is a beautiful 700 sqm villa surrounded by green spaces, welcomes children from the age of 6 months up to 6 years and has homogeneous sections of Nursery and Kindergarten. It offers children an eclectic and multicultural education, overlooked by highly qualified and constantly updated staff, a triple mother tongue daily reference and a cutting-edge teaching program, planned by the educational group in collaboration with the Educational Coordinator and supervised by the Educational Director.

    It offers a well-kept and organized garden, protected from external traffic, and a multifunctional space to perform various activities such as language laboratories, music and physical education. It has specific spaces and furnishings that correspond to the CEE safety standards, and is divided into structured corners that allow the carrying out of activities in small groups, encouraging children’s autonomy while giving them a sense of security and protection.

    THE SCHOOL IS OPEN from Monday to Friday from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, from September 1 to July 31.

    The School ensures a constant commitment to preserve safety and hygiene requirements carried out through the HACCP Self-Regulation plans for the canteen service, with periodical checks by sector managers, and regarding the Safety of Workplaces.

    THE KITCHEN is on site and provides a menu approved by the ASL that rotates over 5 weeks. Particular attention is given to intolerances, allergies and food that respect religious beliefs; the School also provides a morning and afternoon snack.

    From 1 November 2019 the school has adopted NEOLIFE cleaning and cleansing products – GNLD International, a leader in the cleaning sector that offers biodegradable detergents. The formulas are environmentally friendly: no toxic fumes, no harmful chemical agents!



    ENGLISH LESSONS “Cambridge Young Learner English Tests” Certificates

    (supervised by Monica Risso)

    During the week from 4:45 pm “Cambridge Young Learner English Tests” courses are held with TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) qualified teachers. The Cambridge Kids courses teach a language between the European A1-A2 levels. Through a communicative approach, the students develop all the skills: conversation, listening, reading and writing. The Cambridge YLE Tests are available on three levels – STARTERS, MOVERS and FLYERS – and are internationally recognized.


    (Lab. by Andrea Chianelli)

    Corporal expression is an effective tool to help emerge children’s personality and creativity, by promoting an environment of collaboration, joy and harmony. Furthermore, it creates interdisciplinary paths in which time, space, rhythm, psychomotricity, gestures and the education for the imagination are mutually reinforcing creating a singular trail. The teacher, through games, gives every child the opportunity to express themselves with their bodies, to discover something about them and about the others, to improve their concentration skills as well as their awareness, to coexist better inside of a group and at the same time, to feel free to canalise their fantasy and creativity within a guided path. Telling stories, play, express feelings and emotions not only stimulate and enrich the creativity, the fantasy and the imaginative world of every child but also, contribute to enlarge their cultural and social backgrounds and channel harmoniously the energy and sensitivity that belongs to each child, while sharing with others in a social environment. In the Corporal Expression Laboratory, children have the opportunity to be in a fun, creative, imaginative context and establish a dialogue between them and their own bodies.


    (Teacher Olga Maximenko)

    La Maisonnette-Eur, together with the cultural association MUSA RUSSA offers a musical laboratory for children based on the methods of the Russian Musical Pedagogical School, famous throughout the world for the exceptional results obtained. The general principles of teaching are as follow: start the musical study in the total variety of its components (solfeggio elements, rhythm, vocal art and audition); use the elements of the game as much as possible to allow children to assimilate musical knowledge quickly and with great solidity; discover the musical skills of children, including the elements of vocal art and the sense of rhythm, based on the presentation of the classical music masterpieces, using the music of Bach, Mozart, Vivaldi, Grieg and Ciaikovskij; enhance the artistic fantasy of children, developing in them the mental faculty of imageries.


    (Teacher Federica Pedicini)

    The introduction to Classical-Academic dance is born with the aim of bringing children closer to the world of dance and music through rhythm and movement that helps them get acquainted with their bodies. Anatomy concepts are transmitted in an ideal, simple method consistently with their age. The study of the body is essential to be self aware and in a second moment, be able to move no longer with a casual approach, but in a natural, felt, harmonious matter.


    The swimming course is for children of the Kindergarten and takes place twice a week during the morning. Children have an innate predisposition to swim and to be in the water. Between the 2and half years to the 5 years old, in the sea or in the swimming pool, children learn spontaneously to dive, swim for a few meters using the dog paddle swimming style, enter and exit the water in complete autonomy. The ideal age to start a swimming class is around 3 years of age: in the swimming pool, the children starts to move using their legs and the board and then, gradually is able to be more in control of his/her own movements and coordination. Paediatricians advice swimming lessons during the winter so when the summer comes, children are more prepared to deal with the sea, the salt water, which is heavier and more difficult to manage, having the tools to live this experience with a more serene attitude.


    In the month of July we offer SUMMER CAMPS in Italy and abroad for the children and their families. Between January and February the School organizes a SKI TRIP in the Dolomites to which all children and their parents are invited!


    For further information, appointments or visiting the school, please call at: + 39 06 5910339 or send an email to: infoeur@lamaisonnette.net

  • La Maisonnette – Casa Madre

    Viale dell’Umanesimo, n. 72 – 00144 Roma
    Cell. + 39 339 4075111
    E-mail: infoeur@lamaisonnette.net


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Apriliala “Settimana della Lettura”